Volkswagen Bildungsinstitut»Beratung»Kursangebote»Detailansicht Kurse Beratung

BeOn for suppliers (English)

21.11.2024 – 22.11.2024

8 am - 12 am

Dauer: 2 training blocks of 4 hours online incl. 1 hour coaching for questions afterwards

Ort: online via MS Teams

645,00 Euro

per participant plus VAT

3.400,00 € group training (max. 10 participants)
Tax liability is transferred to the recipient in accordance with the reverse charge system.
Vat is not includet in the price.

14.05.2025 – 15.05.2025

8 am - 12 am

Dauer: 2 training blocks of 4 hours online incl. 1 hour coaching for questions afterwards

Ort: online via MS Teams

655,00 Euro

per participant plus VAT

3.450,00 € group training (max. 10 participants)
Tax liability is transferred to the recipient in accordance with the reverse charge system.
Vat is not includet in the price.

22.10.2025 – 23.10.2025

8 am - 12 am

Dauer: 2 training blocks of 4 hours online incl. 1 hour coaching for questions afterwards

Ort: online via MS Teams

655,00 Euro

per participant plus VAT

3.450,00 € group training (max. 10 participants)
Tax liability is transferred to the recipient in accordance with the reverse charge system.
Vat is not includet in the price.


The training is aimed at suppliers


In this training, you will get to know the basics of an BeOn application with the aim of being able to accomplish successful initial sample test reports (EMPB) for Volkswagen Group brands. After this training you have acquired an overall understanding of BeOn and its modules from a supplier's point of view:
- sampling process
- IMDS / MISS (material data sheet)
- VW 52000
- test results, import function and documents
- further processing of the data in the Volkswagen Group.



BeOn basics:

  • get to know sample planning, process and roles on the supplier side
  • sampling process and maturity level assurance according to VDA
  • getting to know the IT systems relevant for the sampling process

BeOn supplier test report:

  • creation of a supplier initial sample test report, gather relevant information required by the VW Group
  • copy function for further new or post-samplings

BeOn and interaction with IDMS / MISS:

  • a material data sheet accepted in MISS as a mandatory prerequisite for a successful sampling
  • differentiation of material data sheet from individual and assembled parts for the sampling process

BeOn test results and documents:

  • gathering of test results for individual and assembled parts and attach test order-related documents
  • consideration of documents
  • template level according to VDA, Volume 2 (2020)




certificate of the Volkswagen Bildungsinstitut GmbH


Philipp Schubert

0375 27026 54

For professional and content issues: Florian Brandt

0049 375 27026 59


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